

If lack of funds to purchase your starter kit is the only thing holding you back from starting your own Passion Parties success story – don’t fret. In fact, that is one of the biggest reasons why people join Passion Parties…to eliminate financial woes and celebrate financial freedom. Choose one of the following kit-earning options and turn your “I wanna be” a Passion Consultant into “I’m going to be” a Passion Consultant.

*When the student is ready the Teacher appears*

Lay-a-way your kit by paying some down and each week make a payment. Within a MONTH or less you will have paid off your kit. (Ask me for details)

Do the raffle tickets. Sell 85 tickets at $5 a piece and it’s enough to pay for the winners $100 in products your kit and the shipping and tax. (This is for the $249 kit)

Collect Orders
Collect orders to pay for your kit. You have a two week time limit. Let the customer know that the orders will be turned in on the deadline. This way that 21 day delivery they are aware that it will be a little longer. All orders and payments do come to me and then I take your profit to order you kit then I place the order for the products that are dropped shipped to customers, this helps you get qualified faster J

Have a Yard Sale
We need to clean out our garages, attics, and closets every once in awhile, so here’s a good excuse to clean up the clutter, get rid of stuff hanging around, and make a new life for yourself with your own business! Whatever money you take in from the yard sale goes ONLY towards your Passion Parties kit…don’t cheat and pay that electric bill!

Payday Loan or Loan Company
Borrow just enough to get your kit. Schedule 3 parties to be held immediately when you get your kit. You could have it paid back within 3 parties or less! This does a couple things for you.1-Gets your business started, 2-Motivates you to do parties, 3-Helps your credit score!

Credit Card Cycle
Contact your credit card company to find out exactly when your billing cycle ends each month. Purchase your Passion Pac within 2 days of the billing cut-off date. This ensures that your Passion Pact will not show up on your next statement, but rather the following month’s statement – giving you 45 days to pay credit card bill. Schedule at least 3 Passion Parties to be held during that time frame. Profit earned on those 3 parties should easily pay off the bill when it arrives. If you do not own a credit card, ask a trusting friend or family member if they would offer this option to you on their card.

Three Angels
Find three friends/family members who will do two things to help you begin your new business story. Each one will agree to lend you $100, and also agree to host a Passion Party with you as the consultant within the next calendar month. With the $300, you could purchase your Passion Pac for $249 plus shipping and tax AND mail out their hostess packets. Inform them that you will pay them back the $100 at their parties. These “angels” will be highly motivated to get guests to their party, not only to receive more hostess gifts, but also their money. You must be prepared to pay back the $100 at the end of each party regardless of the profit attained (i.e. $250 party=$100 profit). So a $250 party would pay back your friend, increase your chances of future bookings and more! (Note: Passion Parties average party is $500 retail, $200 profit.)

One Angel
Think of a loved one or someone special in your life that might be willing to help you start your new business. Is there someone that would love to see you financially independent – maybe a mom, grandmother, aunt, or boyfriend? Ask them to help you get started. Schedule at least 3 parties within the next calendar month and prepare a payback schedule with your “angel”. If you keep to your payback schedule, imagine how satisfied you will both feel.

Tax Refund
Many people use the refund to pay bills, buy something special, or take a vacation, but this year put that tax refund to the best use ever: get into business for yourself! You can earn your investment back quickly usually with one or two parties.

*Please note that these ideas are provided by Your Passion Consultant and are neither sponsored by Passion Parties, Inc. nor offered by all consultants. To take advantage of any of these offers, please contact me, Lis Felder, Your Passion Consultant!

(I would be careful about raffles, as they are considered illegal by some states unless you are a non-profit organization.)
Passion Parties by Lis

Lis Felder
Fearless Leader of Team
Dazzling Diamond Divas (3D)